Monday, November 13, 2006


Soms raak ek BAIE opgestres oor die feit dat ons alles in ons geboorteland so moet los en verhuis na 'n land wat ons nog nooit in was nie...Australie. Ek wonder soms of dit die regte besluit is, maar tog is ek oortuig in my hart en het vrede.
Ek dink aan die woorde wat ek in die Bybel lees: (Nie dat ek dit enigsins gebruik as die beweegrede om Suid Afrika te verlaat nie, maar ek begin verstaan wat Abraham moes deurmaak)
Hebreers 11:8-9
"Omdat hy geglo het... Hy het weggetrek sonder om te weet waar hy sou uitkom.
Omdat hy geglo het, het hy in die beloofde land gaan woon, 'n vreemdeling in 'n vreemde land."

Soms wonder ek...weet God wat ons moet deurmaak in hierdie besluit...ek ontwortel per slot van rekening my hele gesin. Toe lees ek eendag die volgende in The Message vertaling:

Jesaja 40
Why would you ever complain, O Jacob., or, whine, Israel, saying,
"God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"?
...He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And He knows everything, inside and out.
He energises those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind.

Jesaja 41
But you, Israel, are my servant. You're Jacob, my first choice, descendants of my good friend Abraham.
I pulled you in from all over the world, called you in from every dark corner of the earth, telling you, "You're my servant, serving on my side.
I've picked you. I haven't dropped you.
Don't panic. I'm with you.
There is no need to fear for I'm your God.
I'll give you strength. I'll help you.
I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
That's right. Because I, your God, have a firm frip on you and I'm not letting go.
I'm telling you, Don't panic.
I'm right here to help you.

I, God, want to reassure you. The God who buys you back."

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